Project Description
This workshop is for you if:
You have lower back pain, Herniated discs, sciaticas, lumbar hyperlordosis, loss of lower back lordosis, lumbago, abdominal pains, inguinal pains, menstrual pains, intestinal problems or simply want to discover new ways to free your body, learn exercises to be able to work with yourself, or if you are a professional that are working with people and want to know a new methodology of work.
What you’ll take away from the workshop:
- Body self-acknowledgement
- Pain relief
- Self-applying exercises
- Body, mental and emotional freedom (all these 3 topics are feeded back)
- Understanding where the pain may comes from
10am to 1pm and 6pm to 6pm
- Anatomy tasting to better understand the functioning of our body and the possible causes of problems in this area.
- Body research and possible stress caused by mismatches (question: at what point did it start, what was going on in your life then?)
- Workout BA 1
- Transverse abdominal breaths to release tension from the chest-lumbar fascia
- Workout BA 2
- Workout BA 3
- Conclusion and questions
Limited places: 13 people
What to wear: comfortable clothes